& Reporting
Assessment & Reporting
At St. Martin of Tours Primary School, assessment and reporting is an important part of Learning and Teaching. Teachers use a variety of assessment tools to monitor and evaluate the learning needs of their students.
Some of the ways Assessment and Reporting is offered include:
- A minimum of two written reports will be provided twice a year for parents. These reports provide progress against Victorian Curriculum standards. The reports indicate areas of strength and areas requiring additional support. Teachers also provide future directions in learning suggesting support or extension strategies.
- Written reports are generated in the COMPASS digital platform. They are accessible to parents via COMPASS.
- Learning Conversations are organised twice a year. Students, parents/carers and teachers are all involved in setting directions for the next stage of learning.
- Teachers use continuous formative assessments to keep parents informed about their child’s learning throughout the year. They will continue to inform parents of their child’s progress and if any support or extension is required.
- The National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy(NAPLAN) will provide parents and teachers of participating students with reports in the relevant learning areas in Years 3 and 5.
- NCCD students will receive a Personal Learning Plan report where teachers will reflect on their goals set in a Program Support Group Meeting.
For more information regarding our Assessment and Reporting, please email our Learning and Teacher Leader at

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