St Martin of Tours Parish

St. Martin of Tours prides itself on the reputation of having a strong school community spirit and strives to develop interactive partnerships between the school, parish, the local and the wider global community to engage and improve student learning.

At St Martin’s School we are fortunate to be part of a thriving parish, led by a Priest who is a true “shepherd” to his flock, and supported by enthusiastic and committed parishioners.

The links between school and church are strong – many of our children attend Sunday Mass at St Martin’s, participating in the Children’s Liturgy program; our First Eucharist celebration is celebrated within the rostered weekend masses.

Father speaks of the “joy it is to know that we all have one common goal – that the church community and school community will always be ‘one’ and that the basic premises upon which both are developed are the Gospels of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

As the parish of St Martin of Tours we give thanks for the contribution of the Sisters of Mercy for their work to establish our school.

Parish Contact Details 

Parish Priest
Fr Michael O’Connell

St Martin of Tours Presbytery
5 Silk Street
Rosanna Vic 3084

Ph: 9401 6338


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