Enrolment Information

Starting school is an exciting time! Our aim is to provide Pre-Schoolers with positive school experiences through our transition program.

    Families are welcome to place an enrolment application at any stage throughout the year. We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to the community of St Martin’s.

    Please contact our school office on 03 8458 7500 for a School Tour or email our Principal Angela Lacey ( if you have any queries.

    Enrolment Procedures for Prep:
    Prep enrolments are accepted from the beginning of the school year.
    Application forms are returned along with photocopies of Birth, Baptism and Immunisation Certificates.
    A non-refundable enrolment administration fee of $50 applies to new families. This is payable at the time of lodging an application. Upon acceptance of a position, a $200 non-refundable deposit is to be paid. This amount will be deducted from the Term 1 school fees.
    Interviews for new families to meet with Principal/Parish Priest will be arranged.
    Places are offered and confirmed by the end of Term 2.
    We currently have limited places available for Prep 2024.

    Enrolment Criteria
    Siblings of families already attending St. Martin’s.
    Baptised Catholic children who are residents within the parish boundaries.
    Baptised Catholic children from another Parish in consultation with that Parish Priest.
    Others who reside in the Parish.
    Others who reside outside the Parish and if they can provide good reasons for wishing to attend St. Martin’s.

    Immunisation Information
    Please click here for primary school immunisation requirements.

    Kinder to Prep Transition

    At St. Martin’s, we know that the transition from Kindergarten to Prep is a big step. We have a number of steps in place to help our students and their families with this transition.

    During Term 3, one of our Prep teachers will generally spend some time at the Kindergarten talking with your child’s Kindergarten teacher and observing your child in the Kindergarten setting.

    Later in Term 3 or early Term 4, we organise a time for you and your child to come into school to meet and talk with our Principal or Deputy Principal and one of our Prep teachers. This one on one time allows us to get to know your child and it gives them time to become comfortable with some of the adults that they will see everyday once they start school.

    After meeting with all the students, our experienced Prep teacher will then place the students into class groups. Parents will be notified towards the end of October who their child’s teacher will be for the following year.

    Students will then be invited to school in November for three transition mornings. During these mornings, students will meet their teacher and spend time in their new classrooms. Dates and times for these transition mornings will be sent to parents.

    Prep students start their first week of school having an early finish to their days. From their second week of school, Prep students attend the school for four full days each week with the students having Wednesdays off. From week 6 of the term, students are at school for five full days a week.

    A Word From Our Parents

    As a parent ‘the SMOT community’ is very supportive and inclusive. The learning opportunities provided to my children have considered all aspects of their health and wellbeing (physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual) while allowing their personalities to develop and shine through

    - Parent (St Martin of Tours Primary School)

    Online Tour

    The best way to start learning about us. We have professionally produced dozens of videos showcasing our amazing school.

    Book a School Tour

    The best way to meet us! We can show you around our beautiful school and answer any specific questions you have.


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