New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
35 Posts
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    October 7th 2022 Today the Yarra spilled over the banks to cover the bike tracks and walking paths, not too much, but enough you ...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    In the Jungle of Sulawesi, an island in the Indonesian archipelago, a gruesome discovery was made that has forever changed our point...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Caterpillars don't make cocoons, nor do they sprout wings, grow a proboscis and curly head-wear from a body that shrunk in size on a...
  • Guest Contributors
    Health & Wellbeing (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    I knew what was happening to me; my brain was shrinking. And the longer I spent alone, the worse it would become, and so I finally d...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Nudibranchs are not only brilliantly adorned harlequin shapeshifters and chemical manufacturing killing machines - These oceanic wo...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Sharing the story of this particular species, because of their profound uniqueness - might help change the perception of those not t...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Sharing the story of this particular species, because of their profound uniqueness - might help change the perception of those not t...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Sharing the story of this particular species, because of their profound uniqueness - might help change the perception of those not t...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    They have been dubbed "genius" by Sir David Attenborough in his narration of Porche. Scientists believe that Jumping Spiders are br...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    It is heartwarming to know that life, no matter what, always has something new to surprise us with - even when it seems too many aw...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Do you ever have the feeling when dancing in a crowd with all your friend of being so happy that you could burst out of your skin, t...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Do you ever have the feeling when dancing in a crowd with all your friend of being so happy that you could burst out of your skin, t...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Everyone has the power to #ShapeOurFuture this Earth Hour This Earth Hour, we’re calling on Australians to sign up and join a worl...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Everyone has the power to #ShapeOurFuture this Earth Hour This Earth Hour, we’re calling on Australians to sign up and join a wor...
  • First Nations
    Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    For the next few weeks, take a walk with me through the place of the Wurundjeri Woiwurrung. I will help you see what I see as I walk...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    The night sky is our very own library in the stars. The stars and planets, galaxies and cosmic dust are our ancestors, mythically an...
  • Guest Contributors
    Nature (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    The Milky Way is one of the billions in the universe, and not all are peaceful and life-supporting. Galaxies are places of cosmic dr...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    "I often describe parenting with digital devices as a little bit (or a lot) ‘dementing’. What I mean by this is that it's hard w...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    I often get asked by parents, “how much screen time is ok for my kids?”. Well, here’s the thing, when we use the term ‘scree...
  • Guest Contributors
    Health & Wellbeing (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    In this challenging parenting time in a digital world, parents want to ensure their children are healthy, but many parents feel over...
  • Activities (Guest Contributors)
    Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    We have a mental health crisis at our door, and accompanying this is the loneliness epidemic, and the two go hand in hand – could ...
  • Guest Contributors
    Health & Wellbeing (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Research says that there are 35,000 different emotions, and each is unique. If we embody emotions and so many, how would we cope wit...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    In the age of digital communication and the verge of the AI Revolution is it smart to leave behind the traditional ways to read and ...
  • Guest Contributors
    Health & Wellbeing (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    ADHD is one of the most misunderstood neurological disorders, says Dr Russell Barkley the world authority on the developmental disor...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    To let go into each moment is where real freedom is. "To the mind that is still the whole universe surrenders". - Rumi...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Happiness is interpretive, but collectively people describe it as a sense of peace and acceptance of themselves, the world around th...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    The words and the wisdom of Gautama Buddha is universal. Simple messages of hope, peace and goodwill that strike true for nearly all...
  • Guest Contributors
    Mindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    One of the most significant developments in contemporary psychiatry and behavioural psychology is the knowledge that the mind and th...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Science & Technology (Guest Contributors)
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Just like when we thought the world was flat and we were the centre of the universe, we now are learning that the power of intention...
  • Guest Contributors
    Mindfulness & Meditation (Guest Contributors)
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    When you breathe your body takes in vital oxygen which ignites the cells in your body - helping them to release energy and drive the...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    With the help of research into neuroscience and neuroplasticity, we can now comfortably say that reshaping your mind and changing yo...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Because of mindfulness’s effectiveness in developing self-awareness, emotional self-regulation, cognition and concentration ts app...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Coming to realise that the thoughts in your head are not really your own and that they exist as a never-ending stream of consciousne...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    One of the greatest developments in contemporary psychiatry and behavioural psychology is the knowledge that the mind and the brain ...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    One of the biggest misconceptions about meditation is that it will clear your mind of any thoughts and negative memories. ...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    Over a lifetime, you incorporate and process billions and billions of bits of information through your senses. More accurately, your...
  • Guest Contributors
    New & Big Ideas (Guest Contributors)
    The way you think not only affects the way you feel and behave, but it also has an impact on how you perceive your world and how you...
Digital Schools
October 30,2024
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